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Reference NumberTender TitleClosing DateOpen DateDownload Tender NoticeDownload Tender Detail
E/B&R/Football Paver tender/26/2024-25/32 dated 06/03/25Supply and Installation of Interlocking Pavers around New Football Ground at L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior17-04-202506-03-2025NoticeTender Form
E/B&R/R.O AMC TENDER/42/2024-25/31 dated 05/03/25AMC of Water Softners and RO Systems26-03-202505-03-2025NoticeTender Form
Estate/112/2024-25/Outsourcing tender/30 dated 05/03/25Notice Inviting Tender for award of Annual Contract to Outsource deployment of Un-skilled labourers for Housekeeping/Sanitation, Garde/Grounds, Mess etc in entire campus of the Institute.27-03-202505-03-2025NoticeTender Form