Complaints & Grievance - LNIPE

Complaints of Sexual Harassment or Issues of Gender-Based Violence and Gender Sensitization

Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education

How to Complain?

If any student is harassed or issues of gender based violence and gender sensitization by ANY student / member of the staff of the Institute, he/she may made online complaint to the following e-mail address(s).

Registrar, LNIPE
Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

(Issued under the direction of UGC vide letter F.91-3/2014 (GS) Dated 28-JAN-2015)

Internal Complaints Committee Details

For Women Employees

S.NoCommittee MemberCompositionEmail ID & Contact Number
1Dr. Vinita Bajpai MishraPresiding Officer[email protected]
[email protected]
2Dr. C.P.S. BhatiFaculty Member[email protected]
3Dr. Megha SahuFaculty Member[email protected]
4Mr. Rochan Lal VermaNon-Teaching Employee[email protected]
5Mrs. Varsha JaiswalNon-Teaching Employee[email protected]
6Dr. Priya AroraMember from Non-Government Organisation/Association[email protected]
[email protected]
7Mrs. Anuragjna SharmaMember with Legal Knowledge-

For Students

S.NoCommittee MemberCompositionEmail ID & Contact Number
1Dr. Vinita Bajpai MishraPresiding Officer[email protected]
[email protected]
2Dr. C.P.S. BhatiFaculty Member[email protected]
3Dr. Megha SahuFaculty Member[email protected]
4Mr. Rochan Lal VermaNon-Teaching Employee[email protected]

Grievance/Complaint Form