Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior

बुध 03/07/2024
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लक्ष्मीबाई राष्ट्रीय शारीरिक शिक्षा संस्थान
(आईएसओ 9001:2008 सर्टिफाइड डीम्ड यूनिवर्सिटी)
भारत सरकार, युवा मामले और खेल मंत्रालय

IQAC ( Internal Quality Assurance Cell)
(a) Director Dr. K. K. Sahu
(b) Teachers to represent to all level Prof. M.K. Singh Dr. Y.S. Rajpoot
Lt. (Dr.) Brij K. Prasad डॉ. अनिंदिता दास
डॉ आशीष फुलकर डॉ अमर कुमार
Dr. Nibu R. Krishna Dr. Manoj Sahu
(c) Member from the Management
(d) Senior Administrative Officer 1. Shri N.L. Rohira 2. Shri Amit Yadav
(e) Nominee from local society, students and alumni 1. Dr. Keshav Singh Gurjar 2. Dr. Vinod Sharma (MS)
(f) Nominee from Employers/Industrialist / Stakeholers Mr. M.P. Singh ( Hotel Shivalaya)